Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kwaid Ray Garrett

So I really loved reading about each one of Kristin's kids and all the little things they do and like. I thought it was a great idea and wanted to share a little bit about ours too. I guess I will go backward from youngest to oldest because I know exactly were Kwaid's pictures are and they are easy for me to upload. I know its a dumb reason but it works for me.

So Kwaid is our imagination gone crazy child. If there is another world connected to this one were life is all fun and you can make it up as you go that is were Kwaid spends most of his time. He can keep himself busy for hours with make believe. He loves to pretend that he is lost in the woods. He can build a fire with a flint and steel and thinks that an island mission would be the perfect place for him. He is a perfect shot with a bow and arrow or a sling shot the local birds know to keep their distance when he is in the field.

Kwaid is not really right or left handed he uses them both about equal. It has given him a great advantage in learning the piano and his teacher thinks he is picking it up very fast. He loves to speak spanish and has started to talk circles around me. He also picked up sign language really well and loves to use that when ever he gets a chance.

He is captivated by pirates and vampires and loves to pretend to be one or both at the same time. Every time we see a really great movie he becomes his favorite character. He has been captain Jack sparrow, Jedadiah smith, Elvis and Indiana Jones. He desperately wants a bull whip, but I just dont see how any thing good can come from it.

His favorite things to eat are veggies. Yes you read that correctly! If it is green chances are he will love it. Raw spinach and bell peppers are his favorite. He works very hard at the garden so that he can get his veggies.

He is a special child and we love him so much. He keeps us laughing and guessing what will come next. He has wanted a boston terrier for about 5 years and last year we finally broke down and got him one. Bella is his good friend and most of the time they are together in their adventures. Kwaid we love you and are very blessed to have you!

1 comment:

Tia said...

Hey Bryan & Holly! I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog. I linked to it through Rhett & Shanna's. Your blog is so cute! And it looks like your family is doing well! ;) I'm glad we get to see you every once in a while. If you want to check out our blog, it's http://kevntiafam.blogspot.com. See you later!
Tia Chapman